Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Deja Vu All Over Again

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like your life was on one continuous loop, kind of a "Groundhog Day" but in hours instead of a whole day.

I'm sitting here, exhausted at 8 pm, and trying to think how I got here.

Done the Dishes. Yup at breakfast. Yup at lunch. Yup after school. Yup after dinner.

Laundry. Before Lunch. After Lunch. After school got out. Just finished folding and putting away the last load.

Clean the basement. Morning. Afternoon. Evening.

That's been my day. I've accomplished three things, mutiple times. Boy do I feel accomplished.

Friday, October 10, 2008

There's the South, and there's the South South

Below is a blog entry from my friend in Tennessee. I found it both horrifying and slightly amusing that the newspaper felt it necessary to put it it. Please understand that this is in no way embellished or made up. She got it out of her newspaper. REALLY!

Squirrel Pot Pie
I know we live in the South, but it isn't the South-South, like Mississippi or Louisiana or Georgia. In fact, I have heard that Nashville is referred to as the "new South", which I thought meant, "new and improved". But then our local paper arrived, and my eyes were opened. There was a half page feature titled Squirrel Pot Pie. It starts off like this: "Do you hunt squirrels? Here're some reasons to besides making a good meal." Then the evils of squirrels are detailed in the next several paragraphs, including, "One of the biggest complaints we humans have about squirrels is that they raid our bird feeders." (The nerve! I'm convinced--they should definitely be eaten!)The article concludes with this sentiment and recipe: "'Tis the season to bag some bushytails--and here's how to cook 'em.3 squirrels1/2 cup of all purpose flour2 tablespoons butter1 quart boiling water1 chopped onion1 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon pepperBiscuit crust from a 10-biscuit canLemon juice, sherry or Worcestershire sauce (optional)Cut squirrels to serving size and roll in flour. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in saucepan. Saute squirrel until brown. . ."There's more. But I need to go throw up now.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Fish Story

This is a story of a man named Jason, who was not a very lucky fisherman. In fact, poor Jason never seemed to catch any fish, only fishlets. Then one October he went to a magical fishing haven called "Coeur d'Alene." For four days he and his brave fishing companions, Larkin, Mike and Al, toiled away the hours casting line after line and having very little luck, especially Jason.

The last day these intrepid men were in this magical land, they heard of a special lake called "Killarney." Our poor heroes were cold and tired, but they were willing to give it one more try. So they motored their boat out into the lake and Jason felt a tug and caught this fish.
He was happy, even though it was quite an ordinary fish. But then he felt another tug at his line. This time as he reeled, his companions watched in amazement. They gaped at the great beast giving a mighty fight, but our hero was stronger, and soon had the thing on board.

And that is the story of how Jason caught his first, and possibly last, trophy fish. Now bow your head in respect for this mighty fisherman.