Saturday, November 29, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I've been getting some teasing for never updating my blog. I've been crazy busy and haven't actually logged on in a while, but while reading other blogs, I've realized I've been neglectful. The other day we were having Family Home Evening on Thanksgiving. My sister gave the lesson and was telling the story of the Pilgrims. She told about why they left England and how long their voyage was. Then she asked, "Does anyone know what time the Pilgrims landed?" She meant of year, of course, and was going to go on and tell about their hard first winter. Taryn raised her hand and said, "Three o'clock?"

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


My camera malfunctioned Halloween night and I have few, if any, usable pictures. Anybody who was at the Bells that night and happens to have pics of my kids, at this point even if they're in the background, or me or Jason, PLEASE let me know. I saw people with cameras that night so I'm begging for help.