My camera malfunctioned Halloween night and I have few, if any, usable pictures. Anybody who was at the Bells that night and happens to have pics of my kids, at this point even if they're in the background, or me or Jason, PLEASE let me know. I saw people with cameras that night so I'm begging for help.
I have some BEAUTIFUL pictures of you, I will have to check more closely for the rest of your family:)
That stinks! :(
Alright so I got your package you sent to the kids about 2 weeks ago and I have been meaning to call and thank you but I didn't have your number so Bradley sent it to me in a text and then I accidentaly erased it and now Bradley's phone is not working because he spilled water on it so I have no way of getting your number. But thanks for the gift for the kids, that was so sweet of you guys. You are so thoughtful and it is always nice to feel loved since we live so far away and miss out on so much stuff. The kids loved the gifts. Expecially the glow sticks. And Sadie loved the stuffed animal. She loves stuffed animals! Sorry I couldn't call but for future reference can you give me your guy's number. Thanks again. We love you
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