I thought I'd put this up because it cracked me up. We were talking to the girls today at dinner about school and when it was Taryn's turn she did her usual minute by minute detail of her day. One of the things they did was talk about their favorite story. Curiously I asked her what her favorite story was, expecting "Ella Enchanted" or something like that. She said "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." I thought that was odd, so I asked why, expecting to hear "I like bears" or "She has yellow hair like me." In keeping with her quirky personality, she said, "Because I like porridge." So there you have it. I guess we'll be making porridge this winter.

Do you make porriage often? How does one do that..You'll have to post a receipe now!
man, is it just boys ...because Gavin won't tell me a THING about school grrrrr.
yeah, I wish Kortney would tell me more than, "it was fun", and, "I played on the playground". Taryn is a cutie! I love her reaoning! =)
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